Industry Profiles
With a population of 33,408 people, Seguin is pro-business community that is committed to growth.
Seguin's strategic, south-central location, its robust talent pool and workforce, lower cost of business relative to other locations in the region, solid infrastructure and its wide range of affordable and flexible real estate options, make it a prime location for companies from a variety of industries.
Home to multiple Fortune 500 companies, Seguin's diverse economy features unique competitive advantages that satisfy the needs of growing industries such as manufacturing and distribution and logistics companies, healthcare, retail development, and corporate and regional offices.
Seguin continues to be one of the strongest manufacturing clusters in the region. In fact, as the nation experienced the effects of the economic downturn starting in 2008, Seguin added jobs at a rate almost unmatched in Texas. Seguin remains positioned to continue to compete well for future projects with ample developable property, excellent access to major thoroughfares of I-10 and SH130, a competitive tax environment, and a strong available workforce.
Within this section, you will find in-depth information and resources regarding Seguin's key industries, including advanced manufacturing, healthcare, transportation and warehousing, and scientific research and development services and retail trade.