County veterans services getting more assistance

County veterans services getting more assistance Main Photo

25 May 2022

Guadalupe County, News, Quality of Life, Veterans

Dalondo Moultrie The Seguin Gazette

Veterans living in and around Guadalupe County will soon have better access to assistance guaranteed to them following their service to this state and/or country.

Guadalupe County Commissioners Court tried to ensure the improved access Tuesday by entering into an agreement to house a Texas Veterans Commission claims representative full time in the county beginning around June 1. Currently, the Texas Veterans Commission has an Austin headquarters and offices in San Antonio, but locals could be better served in Guadalupe County.

“We have almost 22,000 veterans here,” Precinct 1 Commissioner Greg Seidenberger said. “To serve them and to serve their surviving spouses, it just means a lot. We really do appreciate the TVC being here.”

During the regular meeting Tuesday, commissioners unanimously approved an agreement with Texas Veterans Commission to bring a claims benefit advisor to Seguin. A purpose stated in the agreement revolves around promoting quality, ease of access and coordination of care to local veterans.

The claims benefit advisor is expected to provide on-site claims representation and counseling services, all paid by the commission, the memorandum states.

Guadalupe County is responsible for providing “suitable office space and facilities for TVC representatives to meet with veterans in privacy,” in a space that includes “appropriate utilities (adequate lighting, ventilation, and heat), restrooms, handicapped access, sufficient parking, and janitorial services,” the agreement reads.

The county also agreed to provide a desk, chair, and internet connection/service.

Commissioners plan for the Texas Veterans Commission representative work out of the county’s renovated Veterans Center once it is complete. In the meantime starting about June 1, the claims benefit advisor will bunk in offices with Guadalupe County Veterans Service Officer/Director Nancy Russell.

The commission will provide a representative 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday but those hours are flexible.

“We’re looking ahead to the Guadalupe County Veterans Center and we want it to be a true one stop for veterans,” Russell said. “We intend to offer a variety of services there.”

The Texas Veterans Commission claims benefit advisor is able to provide services Russell doesn’t have the authority to provide, the county veterans service officer said. Higher-level review hearings, proposals to reduce benefits hearings and things that currently are not accessible locally will be done in house once the new representative starts working, Russell said.

“At this time, the veterans are having to travel to San Antonio to have these hearings,” she said. “So having someone in Seguin would be a benefit to them.”

Precinct 4 Commis-sioner Judy Cope moved to adopt the memorandum of understanding with a second from Precinct 3 Commissioner Michael Carpenter.

County Judge Kyle Kutscher applauded those involved for helping to make the process go smoothly.

“Thank everybody for being here and working with us, and the work you do to help veterans,” he said.

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